Sunday, August 23, 2015

Weekend Happenings

It really wasn't a busy weekend. The girls had tennis on Saturday morning, Jack and John played some golf Saturday afternoon, Elizabeth got her staples out (looks great and she did very well), John left for Argentina Sunday after church, the kids got in the pool for a bit, then I took Jack and Alex to first tee to hit some balls and play a few holes while the girls and I ran to Walmart for a few things. In between these, there was a lot of playing with the American Girl doll gymnastics equipment and get well casts/crutches and build-a-bears. They had a great weekend playing with all their new birthday presents.

Early to bed and ready for the first full week of school!

 Jack took a picture of John and then changed my wall paper on my phone to this picture

 Anna and Kate's crazy hair, waiting for Jack to finish up his golf

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