Monday, December 27, 2010

December 27--Christmas with the Scudder Family

Today we celebrated Christmas with the Scudder side of the family. Peepaw and Geemaw have not seen the girls and Jack since the summer and I think Anna was the only one who let them hold her. Kate and Elizabeth are a little squeamish around strangers right now.

Geemaw and Anna
Erin and Sarah are always so helpful with the little girls
Aunt Sue Sue & Kate
Kate opening a present


Peepaw and Jack


Peepaw and Anna
Dave and Mike discussing something

This marks the end of our many Christmas parties! What a nice time we had visiting with family and we are looking forward to the New Year!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas with the Szczepanski Family

Today, we celebrated Christmas with the Szczepanski family. After mass and lunch, we ventured downstairs to open gifts. Each year this process seems to get harder and harder. Maybe that is because we have more and more children taking part in the process.

Mom and dad starting the scavenger hunt
The boys--Kevin, Braden, Thomas and Jack
Granddad was holding Elizabeth and someone was he picked up Anna too.

The oldies: Emily and Ambria
Grandmom teaching the two older girls how to sew. Jack was a little disappointed that he didn't get a sewing machine too.
Jack opened his birthday gifts from the Druelles

Saturday, December 25, 2010

December 25--Christmas at the Gym

On Christmas day, we always go to the gym to celebrate with all of the aunts, uncles and cousins. Jack disappeared the minute we got to the gym, running away, and never stopped! His cheeks were pink! The girls were a little overwhelmed with all the people and stayed close to us. Elizabeth was very nervous and pretty much stayed in Grandmom's lap the whole time. I guess it only took Jack four years to enjoy the gym to the fullest so the girls have a few more years. Every year all the children high-school age and younger do a gift exchange. We start with the youngest and each child goes out to the middle of the floor to open their gift. There are so many kids, this year it took over an hour to go through the gift exchange. At the beginning of the exchange, Sarah gave my grandparents a book she wrote/edited. It was a collection of short stories written by grandchildren, great grandchildren and also their children. It also included many interviews of my grandparents. She worked very hard on this book for the past two years!

Presenting the book

Anna giving Marcy her gift
Anna accepting her gift from Mia
Kate accepting her gift from Chloe
Kate giving Cecelia her gift
Elizabeth screamed the whole time she was receiving her gift (we didn't make her go back out to give her gift)
Jack stopped for a few seconds to open his gift from Alex

Jack giving his gift to Mary
Jack playing in the pit with Uncle Neil and his cousins
Elizabeth didn't stray too far from Grandmom


Somehow these little girls always end up near Granddad. And Anna is always in his lap.

Jack running down the tumble track