Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve, we always go to the Lutzen's house to celebrate Christmas. After a round of BINGO (Jack won four times and earned $20!), we opened gifts while the girls napped. Once they woke up, we let them open some gifts, but all the people, noise and paper made them slightly crabby. I don't think they cared so much about opening gifts this year. After the gifts, we all had a delicious dinner together. It was a great time!

Anna and Elizabeth before everyone arrived


Jack was the first one to win at BINGO!
 Aunt Mary helps Jack
 He didn't realize he won, but he was happy to get the $5
 Jack opening gifts

 Amy in a box
 Uncle Mike, Jack, Uncle Tim and Aunt Susie
 The girls opening up gifts
 Sarah and Anna

 Mimi, Michael and Kate

 Jack and Aunt Mary

 Wearing his new Toy Story 3 PJs
 Anna and Daddy

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