Saturday, December 18, 2010

Vera Bradley Christmas Party

Today, we had another Christmas party, this time for the kids. We took the girls and again, made them take a picture with Santa. Poor Kate and Elizabeth, they still are not fans of the big guy!

Anna has Granddad wrapped around her little finger...she can always get him to pick her up.

One of the few pictures of Elizabeth with her hat on, although, she is trying to take it off! She kept taking it off, then bringing it to us to put it back on her head :)
This an attempt to get a picture of all the mom is rushing out of it from behind.

It is nearly impossible to get them all to sit still and look at me all at once!

The kids before we left for the party

Waiting our turn to see Santa

Elizabeth and Kate just screamed.
And this is the best we can do this year :)

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