Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Morning

This is the first year we have not had to travel for Christmas, so Santa came on Christmas Eve and we actually opened gifts on Christmas morning. It was nice. Jack was up at 6:00 AM and since we knew the girls wouldn't be up until at least 8 AM, we let him open his gifts. We left the girls' gifts for them to open, but as it turned out, they weren't too interested in opening them, so Jack opened most of them later on anyway. After the gifts, we went to Mass.

 Santa brought the kids magnatiles
 Now there are enough to build towers this tall!

 The girls' turn to open their gifts

 They were most excited about their tubes of toothpaste

 Last year...
This year!

 Ready for Church
 Jack didn't like his tie. He only wore it for the pictures then took it off for church


 Family picture--Christmas 2010

 Cousin Marie with the girls

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