Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas Dresses Times Two

I put these Christmas dresses on the girls for church today. They are last year's dresses that they wore, but last year they were slightly big on them. This year, I thought they seemed a little short so I paired them with some brown leggings and I think they looked pretty cute! I am glad to get some more use out of these cute dresses!

I love this one of Anna's smile!



Of course, I have to add one of Jack

Tonight, we went to the Frazier's house for dinner and to celebrate Aunt Sue Sue's birthday. We knew she was getting a coffee pot, so yesterday when I was at Target with Jack, he picked out a coffee cup for her. When we got to their house tonight, he went running in asking where Aunt Sue Sue was. When he saw her, he proceeded to belt out that we got her a blue cup for her birthday. He was so proud of the gift, he picked out the color of the cup and everything.

Sarah, Jake and Elizabeth
The girls loving the ice cream Aunt Susie is feeding them.

Anna and Elizabeth were signing "please"
I think Amy had a good time by the looks of her face :)
She is such a good helper with the girls!

One other funny comment that Jack said and I am only posting it because it it NOT true. He said, "Uncle Tim, is Aunt Sue Sue growing bigger on her birthday." It is funny the way his little mind works. Recently, his cousin Nicholas turned 6 on his birthday Dec. 1st. He has been asking me daily when he will get bigger (older) and I keep telling him on his birthday in a few weeks...there isn't much he doesn't remember.

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