Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Footers, Nails and Fwimmin'

Today while I was running, I ran past a step 2 slide with a free sign. I thought that my kids would probably like to play on it outside so once I got home, I got in the car with Sarah and we headed to pick it up. I was right, my girls loved it and at 8:00 in the morning, they were sliding and shortly thereafter, the "fwim suits" got put on. They also took a walk/ride on their scooters with Sarah and Erin. Aunt Sue Sue gave us a third scooter so now I won't have to hear as much fighting over the two. They love the them! Since Sarah and Erin are visiting me this week, they have been entertaining and watching the girls and overall being a HUGE help to me. They painted the girls' toenails, too.

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