Monday, July 16, 2012

Michigan Trip: Monday: Marie's Birthday Party

After the trip to the beach. We came back to Aunt Julie's for pizza, cake and ice cream. Marie opened her gifts. It was a good trip and it was so nice to see the Wakefields! And, of course, Grandmom and Granddad and the Druelles...even if they left us with a few parting gifts...I think we left some little gifts too. (We brought pink eye, Druelles had vomiting kids, and Wakefields brought along their coughs and colds as usual). Seems this is the norm every time we get together. We were so happy to spend the day with Marie on her birthday. Happy Birthday Marie--I think you had a good one! We leave for home tomorrow.

Love Alexa in this photo!

A lot of little girls in the outfits Grandmom and Granddad gave them for Christmas!

Marie's Dora cake by Grandmom

She really liked the ice cream...

Ambria and Grandmom led the girls in a gymnastics class

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