Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Pool

It turned out to be a great day. At 11 this morning, it stormed. Like tornado weather storms. But it cleared up around 1:30 and after I took the little girls to preschool, the Erin and Sarah said they wanted to go to the pool. I pointed out to them it was 68* (the storm really cooled the temps). They didn't care so we pulled up to realize they were the only ones there! They had the whole pool to themselves. After picking up the little girls, I headed back to the pool with them. It had warmed up to 85* and there were about 25 people there. I would say there is usually a hundred or so and it can get super crowded. It was perfect for my girls since it is hard to keep track of them anyway with the crowds. We played for 2.5 hours at the pool. I think Kate and Elizabeth went down the slide 25 times. Anna wasn't as big of a fan, but she did go down it a few times. She was happy floating around and jumping off the edge. We tried out the lazy river and splash pad, too. I learned Kate and Elizabeth are fearless today. They would jump off the high dive if I let them!

I think I might keep Erin and Sarah here another week. The extra hands are easy to get used to...

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