Friday, July 20, 2012

Last Day of Swimming

The last day of Jack's two week swimming session was today. He completed six weeks of swim lessons this summer and moved from level one to level three. He is getting much better at swimming. It was a fun day. Jack told me he was going to jump off the high dive...and after standing there for a few minutes...he did! Two weeks ago, he had to back up he was too scared. He smacked his elbow in the water, so I don't think he was a fan of it all together. They also let him go down the yellow and blue slides. He is too short to go down these slides, so it was quite a treat for him. He loved the yellow (fast) slide the best.
Jumping off the diving board

Jumping off the high dive

I missed him in mid-air (slow phone camera). This is his splash.

Jack on the yellow slide

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