Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Twins Club Playgroup

We went to a nice park today after Jack's swimming. We had never been there before. The kids loved it. My twins group had a playgroup there. There were quite a few of us with twins/triplets--a sight for sure!

My kids especially loved the tall slide. It made me a little nervous watching them climb to the top, but they did fine. It was a beautiful day for the park and picnic lunch.

I also snapped two pictures from preschool today. I don't think I have any of the girls.

Elizabeth going down the big slide

The girls follow their big brother around just a little, don't you think?

Kate decided to lay down?

Elizabeth at the bottom

Anna sliding down the slide

Arriving at preschool and sitting on the white line with their show-n-tell books. So big, I can't stand it!

Each week they trace someone and color them in. Today was Kate's turn. Anna had a turn two weeks ago.

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