Thursday, October 31, 2013


We took the kids trick-or-treating in our neighborhood. We had a lot of trick-or-treaters this year. In fact, we ran out of candy to pass out! I filled our bowl three times. We met some neighbors and the girls made it one loop before Elizabeth was ready to go home. It got dark and she always thinks it is time for bed when it is dark outside. Plus, I think she was really tired. Anna had the most energy and kept up with the older group of boys, running from house to house getting candy. After the girls and I went home, Jack and John went around the block again (inside houses) and then walked down the long lane of David Glass (former President and CEO of Walmart) in our neighborhood to get some good treats. It was a fun time and we are thankful the rain stopped and it was a beautiful night to get some fresh air, meet more of our neighbors and let the kids run around, happy as can be.



That's my boy--A Red Sox player! Perfect timing the day after a World Series Win! People kept telling him "Good game" and "Congratulations!"


Love this face on Kate. She picked sour ropes to eat.


Home Office Treats

The Home office allows associate's kids to come and trick-or-treat on Halloween. A lot of them will decorate their offices and there is a contest for the best decorations. The kids and I went directly after school and John walked us around the office. The marketing department was amazing! I could tell the difference in that floor and the legal one... Any how...

There was a circus, popcorn, games, and candy, candy and more candy. The kids loved seeing Daddy's office and walking around with him. I couldn't take any pictures inside, but here are two of them walking in with Daddy.

Jack's Halloween Party

Jack had his Halloween party today and I only have a few pictures because John went and surprised Jack. He was thrilled to say the least. This is a first for John to be able to leave work in the middle of the day and go to a first grade Halloween party, but we will gladly take it!

Jack told me last night that the class was too loud at the end of the day yesterday so they lost a minute of their party today. I had to smile at this one. Jack was concerned about the minute they lost. He told me they could "earn" it back and more minutes if they were good today. He was hoping for at least an hour (the party was 45 minutes long). They are so cute at this age.


Silly Girls

Dance class dress up today. They always want me to take their picture!


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Preschool Halloween Party

The girls had their Halloween party today. The room moms went above and beyond on this one. I think they have been searching pinterest! There were a few different stations of games and crafts. The decorations and food were so cute! The girls had a great time.
Mummy juice boxes, rice krispie treats, bloody Band-Aids (gross!) and the hands! So cute!

Anna getting ready for her first game.

Her throws were crazy!

Kate tossing the bean bags

Pin the mouth on the skeleton. Elizabeth's turn.

She peeked before she stuck the mouth on!

Starting the first craft

Happy girls!

Both classes of the preschool classes

Kate and Anna were excited about the eyes on the mummy juice boxes

Someone made these donuts--very creative.