We took the kids trick-or-treating in our neighborhood. We had a lot of trick-or-treaters this year. In fact, we ran out of candy to pass out! I filled our bowl three times. We met some neighbors and the girls made it one loop before Elizabeth was ready to go home. It got dark and she always thinks it is time for bed when it is dark outside. Plus, I think she was really tired. Anna had the most energy and kept up with the older group of boys, running from house to house getting candy. After the girls and I went home, Jack and John went around the block again (inside houses) and then walked down the long lane of David Glass (former President and CEO of Walmart) in our neighborhood to get some good treats. It was a fun time and we are thankful the rain stopped and it was a beautiful night to get some fresh air, meet more of our neighbors and let the kids run around, happy as can be.

That's my boy--A Red Sox player! Perfect timing the day after a World Series Win! People kept telling him "Good game" and "Congratulations!"
Love this face on Kate. She picked sour ropes to eat.
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