Sunday, October 20, 2013

Pumpkin Patch

What a busy Saturday! We decided to take the kids to pick out pumpkins. We found a patch online, it looked good and went with it. Well, it was a great patch and the kids had a blast, especially on the hay ride! It was the first pumpkin patch that we have had to drive down a few dirt roads to get to--true farm land indeed! Only in Arkansas...

We got four pumpkins to carve and each of the kids picked out small pumpkins--2 each. We also go raspberries and peppers.

Better pony tail after the haircut!




Anna and Kate insisted on pulling the wagon to the car

And they did

They never gave up

It was a slow walk to the car...



Cows on the way home. They were in the water. Hard to see in the picture. The kids get so excited to see cows and horses. I wonder how long that will last considering we see them everyday on the way to school!



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