Saturday, October 26, 2013

TWO Birthday Parties!

The girls had two birthday parties today--what a busy Saturday. The first was Reagan and Reese's party, who turned three yesterday. They have become good little friends though play dates and live right around the corner from us. The second was a boy, Grayson in their class.

Elizabeth was telling Reese she is 4.

Elizabeth telling Reagan she is 4! I guess she was proud of her age!

Stopping for some cake...

All the little girls got their nails painted.

Grayson had his party at a pumpkin farm. The kids played on the hay stacks, feed some goats, took a hay ride and feed some cows and then had some cake! It was a fun time, but the girls were tried!

Feeding the cows tortillas on the hay ride

Anna sat with five boys at the front of the hay ride--not with Kate, Elizabeth and me.

Grayson and Anna

Anna said they have big tongues, which they did!


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