Friday, October 18, 2013

Trip to Asia

We were all glad to see Daddy when he came home today! He was gone for two weeks in China, Hong Kong and Japan. The kids were off school today, so they were here when John got home. They were excited to see him. He was will take a little time to get used to being on our time again (he was 13 hours ahead of us). He said the didn't like the food at all in China! They eat a lot of fish, and any animal that's back faces the sun, they eat the entire animal--from head to feet. He was glad for some good old American cooking tonight. We went to dinner and he got white chicken chili (there is NO white meat there--only dark meat chicken, duck, etc.) and chicken salad sandwich. Here are a few pictures.
On the flight home, he sat next to a Backstreet Boy (Howie). They were touring there. He ran into him at the airport and thought it was him (I would have never known) and googled his name. Howie had just tweeted he was boarding a plane to go home. I told him it would have been funny to start humming one of their songs or playing it on his ipod...haha!

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