Thursday, December 12, 2013


The kids and I went to Fayetteville tonight to sing Christmas carols at a nursing home with the twins group. Jack was not excited to wear church clothes, but when we got there he was happy to sing. The last time he was in a nursing home was when he was about 4 years old. We used to go to St. Ann's on Thursdays to visit the residents when we lived in Fort Wayne. Well, tonight, he was full of questions. "Is this a hotel?" This was his first question (after asking what the door key code was when we got there, of course). I realized he didn't remember our visits from a few years ago, so I explained what a nursing home was to him, which is difficult.

I also couldn't help but think of my Grandfather tonight. When I saw some of the residents, I would think it wasn't fair that they were still living and he wasn't. I know that is not the way I should be thinking about this. But, sometimes I think it is so sad to see some of them living that way. I am relieved I don't have memories of my Grandfather dying in a nursing home. It gives me comfort to know my last memories of him are at a birthday party for my nephew. He was his jolly old self eating the icing off his cake first. I am confident he is in a happy place.

I think the residents enjoyed seeing the children and hearing them sing. I hope we spread a little Christmas joy tonight.

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