We did everything we could do on this snow second snow day...read books, played games, made snow ice cream, played outside (10 minutes, but it took us 20 minutes to get our gear on), came in to drink hot chocolate, made cookies and watched movies. And between that, the kids played school, house, and some type of indoor ball game while I got all the bathrooms cleaned, dusted downstairs, and got the downstairs windows cleaned, Plus, I got the upstairs dusted, vacuumed and mopped. We ended up getting around 8 inches of snow and I was able to get the driveway shoveled (yes, we got rid of our snow blower...) this afternoon. They don't do a good job of plowing the streets in Arkansas so I have no idea what the roads will be like, but I can tell you our neighborhood is not completely plowed. My neighbor told me she is wondering if the kids will have school Monday. The weather stays very cold here for the next 5-6 days so the snow is not going anywhere. Temperatures are 25-30 degrees below average...just in time for us! And, there is a chance of more snow on Sunday, so we might be stuck in this house for a few more days!

Snow ice cream, The second helping of it had melted some, so they wanted straws.
The kids laughed at my candy cane that melted in my hot chocolate.
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