Sunday, December 29, 2013

"growing up"

We had an unfortunate loss at Christmas this year. My uncle passed away suddenly on Christmas morning. Randy was my Godfather, too. I spent a lot of time at the Sordelet's house growing up and especially in high school. We stayed an extra day to attend his wake. It was a very sad day. His children and my Aunt will need some prayers during this difficult time.

After the wake, we drove home. About 45 minutes into the drive we had our first episode of vomit. Elizabeth was sick and Kate started shortly after. The two to of them kept going about every 30-45 minutes for about 8 hours. It was not a pleasant drive home and the van was very stinky! We made it home around 1 AM on Monday morning. Relieved, I have to say. My girls hardly ever vomit, so we had no warning, and they kept telling me they were "growing up" and they "growed up a lot." It was too cute to correct them, and I needed to smile at that moment anyway.

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