Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Letters to Santa

The kids wrote letters to Santa today. Since we are still stuck inside...going on day five off school. I think Bentonville needs to invest in some salt! The roads are still icy and it stopped snowing five days ago, so we are home again tomorrow.
I took the kids to McDonalds (Chick Fil-A was closed due to the roads) on Saturday because we had been stuck in the house since Wednesday afternoon. This was after mass.

Jack's letter to Santa (front)
Dear Santa
I want a big red present. Love Jack To Mr. clos
I want all of the dry of wimpy kid books and a remot control car and magic tree house 48 and fifty and a raser back shert and swetshert

and pants
love Jack to Mr. Clos
I had to help with the pictures and words for Anna

I had to help Kate with her words and pictures
Elizabeth put hers in an envelope

I spelled her words for her and drew her bear. She drew the Barbie and bike. The names she wrote on the top of the paper by herself. I like the way she spells Cartie (Carter)

Here is a picture Elizabeth made for me. For some reason she likes to write everyone's name at the top of her pictures. This one only has Jack's name, though. I didn't help her at all with this picture. She seriously colors and writes as well as Jack.

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