Saturday, December 21, 2013

Opening Gifts at 5:30 AM!

Kids were up about an hour before that! They were so excited to open their gifts this morning! It was a little chaotic, but that is nothing new.

Jack started right in with his "big red present" and once he figured out what it was (Google tablet), he really was not super interested in opening the rest of his gifts. He did, though and liked his Arkansas PJ pants, shirt and bop-it game he got. The basketball hoop for the pool didn't fit in the house, but we showed it to him in the garage. I think he will appreciate it more in the spring/summer when we can set it up at our pool and use it.

The girls loved their bikes, of course. They loaded up the baskets first thing! They asked to go outside to ride them. It was dark. It was rainy. It was cold. I told them another day! They will be able to ride them soon, though I'm sure. The Cinderella PJs were a big hit for them a long with the Polly pockets and the beanie baby bear. Elizabeth's reaction to the bear is priceless. I have it all on video if anyone wishes to see it. It will bring a smile to your face. Her words: "Oh, Just was I always wanted for Christmas!" as she gives it a huge hug.

It is amazing to watch the magic of Christmas though the eyes of a child!

Anna with her Leap read/write pen and book set in her backpack.

These were worn about half the day! Along with a leotard.

Moving on to the stockings

Church this evening

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