Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Field Day

After we got back from the zoo, the older kids organized a field day for the younger kids.  They had lots of fun outside having a water balloon fight & playing another water related game on a relay team.  They also had a slide and little swimming pool set up.  The younger kids loved it!  Later after we ate dinner, Ryann, Julie & I went over to Grandmother's house to visit with her.  It was so nice to see her again! Maria spent the night at Grandmom & Granddad's house with the girls again and they had a good time.

 Waiting for more water balloons

 Back for more balloons
 Water balloon fight!

 Kate, Maria, Elizabeth, Anna, Abby, Thomas, Braden & Kevin (Jack was golfing with Granddad and Peepaw)
 Ambria helped group the kids into two relay teams.

 When field day was finished, Ambria & Emily gave candy to all of the kids as prizes.

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