Sunday, July 6, 2014

Visiting Grandmother

John and I were up early (jet lag). Early like 3:30! Needless to say, we went to the 7:30 mass while the kids slept. John had to leave to drive home after mass. We went to Grandmom's house. In the afternoon, we took the kids to see Grandmother and ended up staying for a while. The kids had fun playing ping pong as well as running around outside.  It was nice to spend time with Grandmother & get some pictures with her.  Anna, Kate & Elizabeth put on a show for her, dancing to songs they learned at Vacation Bible School.  We love you, Grandmother!

 Eating lunch at Grandmom's

 While waiting for her to wake up, the girls picked flowers and put them next to Mary and said some prayers for Great Grandmother.


 Grandmom was giving Grandmother a rosary from the Vatican

Sleepy girls!

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