Thursday, July 3, 2014

Rome~July 3rd~Part Four

Here are the rest of our pictures from July 3rd.  These are from our visit to San Giavonni in Laterano.

The Triclinium Leoninum


 Grandmom & Elmo by the St. Matthew statue

 St. Thomas
 These statues are huge!

 Altar of the Blessed Sacrament

 The confessio; Pope Martin V is buried here. People throw coins into the confessio.

 A confessional

 Granddad & Grandmom in front of the St. James Minor statue

 Neil &Ryann

 After we all went to confession, the guys posed for a picture without any complaining. 

 John, Dad & Neil

 Mom, Ryann & me

 Look at how tiny Neil & I look.  These doors are HUGE!!

The building that houses the holy stairs

Adapted from Ryann's Blog

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