Thursday, July 3, 2014

Rome~ Vatican~July 3rd Part Three

Here are some more pictures from Vatican City.  These are from the Vatican Museums and (mostly) St. Peter's Basilica.



 Neil &Ryann

 Mom & Dad

 Grandmom &Ryann

 Bronze main portal made for Old St. Peter's by Filarete in 1445

 St. Peter's Basilica

St. Veronica

 Our Lady of the Column Dome

 Michelangelo’s Pieta was completed in 1499 when he was 24 years old. It's probably the world’s most famous religious sculpture.

 Mosaic of St. Peter

Monument to Queen Christina of Sweden (1626-1689) who relinquished the throne to convert to Catholicism 

 The tomb of St. John Paul II

You could look down here and see the old floor (from ancient Rome)

 St. John XXIII

 Altar of the Chair of St. Peter by Bernini, 1666

Michelangelo's Dome, finished by Giacomo della Porta in 1590

You can't tell from this picture, but this is an alabaster window of the Holy Spirit as a dove above St. Peter's Chair

 St. Cajetan Thiene (1480-1547) founder of the Order of Clerics Regular (Theatines) by Carlo Monaldi, 1738

 Pope Urban VIII commissioned GianLorenzo Bernini to create this spectacular Baldachino in late 1623. Bernini’s 98 foot canopy used 100,000 lbs. of bronze from the portico ceiling of the Pantheon and the same amount from the dome to create the largest bronze structure in the world.

St. Helena, the mother of Emperor Constantine, by Andrea Bolgi, 1635

 St. Benedict (ca 480-547) founder of the Benedictines, by Antonio Montauti, 1735

 St. Juliana Falconieri (1270-1341) founder of the Servites, by Paolo Campi, 1740

The final masterpiece of GianLorenzo Bernini: the Monument to Alexander VII (1678).

 Altar of St. Joseph on the left transcept with a mosaic by Achille Funi, 1963

“The Punishment of the Couple Ananias and Saphira”

Over the door to the Sacristy and Treasury Museum is the Monument to Pius VIII by Pietro Tenerani (1866).

 Bertel Thorvaldsen’s Monument to Pius VII (1823-31). 

 St. Vincent de Paul

St. Camillus de Lellis (1550-1607) founder of the Camellians by Pietro Pacilli, 1753

 Ryann, Mom & me

Adapted from Ryann's Blog

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