Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Lake

We went to Michelle and Doug's lake cottage today. Marie and Angela met us up there. Michelle took the kids on the boat tubing. Jack loved it! He kept saying faster! The girls also all got on the tube and Michelle went pretty slow with them. They had huge smiles! I even got in. And this is quite a feat for me! I swam to the raft and actually did a front tuck off the diving board. Jack and Elizabeth fished for the first time with some of my cousins. Elizabeth caught a fish, held it and threw it back into the lake! It was a fun day and great to catch up with my cousins!

 Eddie, Jack and Braden

 Jack giving the thumbs up to go faster

 Kate's and Anna's turn

 Elizabeth's and Alexa's turn

Daniel helped Elizabeth catch a fish

 Getting ready to throw it back in

 Alexa fishing
 This is the raft I swam to (and the girls did too)

 Michelle took the girls for a ride
 Elizabeth didn't make it too far

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