Tuesday, February 23, 2010

And, We are on the Charts!

The girls were seen at the doctor's office today. Except for their colds, they checked out great. The best part of the check up was their heights and head circumferences are now on the charts! Not the preemie charts, either!

Weight: 10 lbs. 2 oz.
Height: 24.5 inches (9th percentile!!)
Head: 40 cm (3rd percentile!)

Weight: 9lbs 3 oz.
Height: 24 inches (3rd percentile!!)
Head: 40 cm (3rd percentile!)

Weight: 9lbs. 3.5 oz.
Height: 24 inches (3rd percentile!)
Head: 40.5 cm (5th percentile!) 
We cracked up that she has the biggest head ;)
She and Kate are so similar in measurements.

Since Elizabeth is in the middle of her cold, she did not get shots, but the other two did better with them this time around (Thank goodness).

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