Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentine's Day

Jack experienced his first Valentine's Day party at school. Well, actually he didn't. We bought some Valentines on Thursday and he and I wrote his name on each one. Then, he put heart stickers on each one. He has battled a virus all week and I debated on sending him to preschool today since he was coughing. I sent him and no sooner than returning home, I got a phone call to come pick him up. There has been a few other kids in his class with croup and the teachers explained they were trying to contain this virus. So, I went back to school. Jack's teachers are great. They packed his bag with the Valentines from the other kids and even sent him home with the cookie and drink box. He and I had the Valentine's party at home. I think he was just happy to have his bag of candy!
Putting the heart stickers on the Valentines
After coming home with his bag of candy
Jack decorated his bag at school on Wednesday
Eating his Valentine's cookie

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