Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Baby Shower

On Sunday, the girls and I ventured out for my cousin's baby shower. She is expecting her first baby--a boy-- in six weeks and looks great! It was great to see many of my cousins again and the girls enjoyed their first (of many) baby showers (remember in the last post I said I have over 60 first cousins). Plus, they looked cute in little dresses and tights!
Holding Anna
Abby feeding Kate. Kate's new thing is to hold her head with one hand while feeding or before falling asleep sucking on her pacifier.
Ambria feeding Elizabeth
Two of my helpers
All three
Anna and Elizabeth
Great Aunt Anne holding Kate, Aunt Sarah holding Elizabeth and I'm holding Anna
Anna and I
Great Aunt Anne (What a great smile) and Kate
Sarah and Marie
Marie--so adorable!!
Abby was so excited to play and feed the triplets
Abby couldn't stop hugging Elizabeth. I think she gave her about ten hugs!

My mother with all her granddaughters. In order from oldest to youngest: Ambria, Emily, Abby, Maria, Marie, Anna, Elizabeth and Kate. Not a bad picture considering five of the eight are under nine months old!

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