Saturday, February 13, 2010

You've Come a Long Way Baby(ies)

Friday the 13th. February, 13, 2009. I remember this day vividly. Do you? This was my first ultrasound of my second pregnancy. My OB had warned us he thought I was pregnant with twins. Well, we were in for the surprise of our lives. Not twins, triplets! I remember being so scared! What would my pregnancy be like? Would they be born premature? Will they be healthy? How will we raise triplets? What about Jack? Can I handle all this? After the ultrasound, we made several phone calls--no one even knew I was pregnant yet! I never felt so unprepared in my life. One day at a time. And we have made it this far.

Anna, Elizabeth and Kate--the first time we met our precious little girls
Measuring six weeks one day (except Elizabeth was slightly smaller)
Elizabeth, Kate and Anna--one year later. Just a few days shy of six months

I have said it millions of times, but not enough. We are so blessed to have such perfect children.

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