Thursday, February 25, 2010

Ice in the Mesh

I put ice in the food mesh today so the girls could learn how to hold it and bring it to their mouths. They are really starting to hold toys and bring them to their mouths, especially Elizabeth. I thought this would be a good introduction to the meshes before I start to put food in them. Elizabeth loved it! In fact, the picture I got of her isn't that great, my camera's memory card was full, so I couldn't get another one. She was able to hold it and bring it to her mouth by herself. She ate from it until the ice cube was almost gone. Kate didn't seem to care about the mesh. She was ok eating from it as long as I held it, but didn't want to bring it to her mouth by much work, I guess. Anna did not like the ice at all. She gave me a look like, "What is this...I don't think so." She actually would fuss when I put it in her mouth! Food should be interesting! Jack finished off the ice cubes from Kate and Anna.

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