Thursday, September 30, 2010

Jack's Painting

Jack had fun painting one of our lasts days in Western Springs.

Here are a few pictures I tried to get of the girls in their pumpkin shirts from our good friends, Catherine and Mario. The only way I can get them all to sit still together for a picture is to give them Cheerios ;) I love holiday shirts! We are ready for October and fall!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Family Picnic & Birthday

Today, after spending most of the day organizing and unpacking, I signed up Jack at his new preschool. I was really impressed with the school and his teacher. They all knew us from Jack's cousins that went to the school last year. They even asked how the girls were doing! I think Jack will really like his new school. It is also my birthday and it was nice to spend it with my parents and have a little break from the kids. In the evening, we went to a company family picnic with John. Too bad it was rainy and cold, at least there was a tent!

Here are a few pictures from the Family picnic

Jack wanted a balloon hat, but we waited in line for a while and then Anna started to cry and it was so cold and rainy, we bribed Jack away with ice cream.

Jack wearing his "shirt like daddy's"
The girls liked the ice cream too!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Back Home Again...In Indiana

Today was the big pack-up day. We loaded up the van, car and Granddad's pick-up truck and headed back to Indiana. My dad drove the truck...luckily, not much will phase him and he drove the entire way with his truck full! We were able to settle in at my parent's house for now, until our house sells.

The girls were happy once we made it there with their bottles in hand!

Yes, he drove this truck like this!
After the long drive, Jack helped Granddad plant a few trees in their yard.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Thirteen Months

The girls are thirteen months today. It was such a beautiful day--in the upper 80s again! We enjoyed the afternoon at the park with some friends. It is getting easier for me to get all four kids out and about without having help all the time. In the afternoon, we all went to cousin Erin's basketball game and surprised her! It was fun to see her play and SJC won in a close game!

My Anna is getting braver by the day. She stands by herself and will balance for quite a while. She has not tried to take a step yet...however, yesterday she attempted to get up to standing without using any sort of furniture to help get her up! She is also going to have curls, we think. Her hair is coming in and it reminds me of Jack's.

My Elizabeth just started to "let go" and balance a little while standing today. She doesn't stand for long, but she is so proud of herself. She also blows kisses!

My Kate recently got a first tooth!Yesterday my nephew noticed a little tooth in her mouth and when I looked, sure enough, there it was was! Thanks Nicholas! Kate is such a good baby--she is so calm and loves to entertain herself by dancing and moving! We think she is starting to grow some hair finally too!

In other news, the girls were evaluated again for their development. They tested between nine and twelve months which is normal for their adjusted age (eleven months). Kate showed off for the therapists and tested the highest in play and overall development. Elizabeth won in the speech area and was lowest in her gross motor skills. They called her "slight" and said she just needs to get stronger to catch up to her sisters in that area. She is a few weeks behind them. Anna scored the best in gross motor skills. Elizabeth is becoming such the stranger anxious child. She was nervous of the therapists unless I was holding her and has recently become afraid of her Aunt Sarah (sometimes) and Uncle Mike. She loves her cousin Erin, however.

Also, Jack had a second appointment with Dr. Kipp and his eyes are doing great! No sign of any crossing which is great news. He seems to be regaining some of his 3D vision as well. We are praying we don't see his eyes cross again. We don't have to see Dr. Kipp again for six months.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Four Girls and Four Boys

Derek and Ethan came over today and the three boys all played together so nicely. Jack will miss his two buds dearly.

Meanwhile, downstairs, Jason was stealing the show with his "Lock up your daughters" shirt. I guess he will have his choice between Anna, Elizabeth, Kate or, perhaps he will go for a younger lady, Eleanor?

Little Sister(s)

I forgot these were on my camera until I downloaded them tonight. These onesies were a gift from my little sister, Sarah!