Saturday, September 4, 2010

Garage Sale, Jeep Riding and More Walking

I had a garage sale to get rid of some of the many baby items I have. We let Jack have a lemonade stand to distract him from his eyes. I think he drank/spilled an entire pitcher of lemonade. He drank so much that he never asked for lunch! He had three different flavors, orange, lemon and fruit punch. He gave away a free sucker with every cup of lemonade. He mostly played with the neighbors and we let him ride in his jeep since he is not supposed to ride his bike or play any ball sports for ten days. This is torture for him! We took it as a good sign, though, that he was so active, at least his eyes were not hurting him. I think he made $13.00 at his lemonade sale.

Jack riding in his jeep with Micheal. I think they each ate quite a few suckers, too!

Lemonade stand

Once Anna and Elizabeth saw Kate walking the day before, they decided they could do it too. Elizabeth walks with bent knees, and Anna is stronger, but is really tenative and tends to sit down a lot.

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