Monday, September 6, 2010

Apple and Raspberry Picking

Since it was Labor Day and John had the day off, we decided to get the kids out and went to Harvard, IL to a place called Royal Oak Farm Orchard. The farm had gala and jonamac apples to pick and also raspberries. We try to do this every year, but last year we didn't get a chance. Guess we had a busy fall or something ;)

We gave the girls an apple. Anna liked it, she mostly sucked on it. Kate tried her best to get pieces in her mouth (kind of hard to do without teeth!) and Elizabeth made faces when we gave it to her. Jack, of course, had a few apples while picking.

Jack looking at his picked apples

John and Jack too the tractor wagon to pick the gala apples while I fed the girls lunch
I think he enjoyed the tractor ride
We saw a lot of pumpkins. Jack wanted to sit on them and have his picture taken.

Jack and John on the carousel

After we picked the apples and Jack rode the carousel, we went to pick the raspberries. I have never picked raspberries and it took us a little while. Jack did great picking! He almost filled an entire container.

Throughout the day, we had a few people ask to take pictures of the girls, including one of the owners of the farm. She asked if they could put on their website. If they do, I'll pass along the website address.

Anna loving the apples

Elizabeth not loving the apples

Kate wishing she had some teeth

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