Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Busy Fall

We are moving! (Again!) This time we are going home. We are excited, nervous, happy and sad all at the same time. We love our church, community, neighbors and friends and we will miss our dear neices and nephews and Sarah and Mike deeply. But, we have not been home for almost 15 years. We have so much to look forward to and we are so happy to be around grandparents, great grandparents and cousins for the first time! Things are moving quickly around here as we are trying to get our house up for sale and organize things. I was thinking that today--the 15th--is the day Elizabeth (the last one) came home from the NICU. Last year, on this day I was relieved that all my babies were at home, but nervous at the same time. It's funny how things change in a year's time. We didn't think we would be moving back home, but it is amazing how having three kids at once will change perspectives. We prayed over the decision to move last weekend and after the Gospel reading on Sunday--the Prodigal Son--we knew it was God's message to us.

So, here we are today, planning for the future and trying to get everything done in such a short amount of time. And, I thought last fall was busy!

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