Monday, May 16, 2011

Field Trip--Leo Park

Today, Jack had a field trip to Leo park with his class. This park is about a mile from my parent's house, so my dad met us there to help out with the girls and I also brought along one of my cousins figuring that each child could have their own adult so they could run in any direction they wanted to. It worked out well. I think this is the first time the girls have ever been to a park not in a stroller or wagon.

Jack played with his cousin Thomas.

Granddad and Kate--she was everywhere!

Elizabeth on the go

Elizabeth and Kate

Giving each other a hug.

Anna and Elizabeth--running


This little girl in Jack's class--Samantha--is so cute. She sits by us in church and loves the little girls.

Anna LOVED the slide! So did the other two!

Gathering up the kids for snack time

Love that the kids pray before snacks.

Mrs. Towsley and Jack. Thankfully, Jack will have her again next year--she is the best!

Jack's pre-K class. All of these kids are older than Jack and will go to St. Charles next year for kindergarten.

The girls were ready to go home after a long morning at the park.

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