Saturday, May 21, 2011

Tee Ball

Today, I got a few photos of Jack in action on the Tee-ball field. He is improving! He still get distracted, but is making progress in understanding some of the basic concepts of the game.

Warming up with dad before the game. Jack is number 4.

In the dugout

Coach Jeff giving some last minute instructions to the Dragons. I think this week they were to keep their hands to themselves and to try to pay attention to the game :)

Cousins: Noah and Jack

Up to bat

We might need to work on his form a little :)

Running to first base

First base with the first base coach (all decked out in baseball uniform)

Running home from third base. Jack is known for his high fives during the games. He gives them to us, the girls, and other moms and dads. While standing on third base another mom was cheering for Jack and saying, "Great Job! High five!"  Jack yelled back to her, "I'm number four." I guess he didn't get what she was saying :)

Home plate

In the outfield in the baseball stance. John is behind him. Notice the attention span of the kids on his team :)

Noah and Jack are ready! They little kids will chatter to the opposite team which is funny!

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