Memorial Day 2011: Jack wanted to swim in the baby pool, so John got out the baby pool and also the sandbox and filled them with ice cold hose water. Jack could hardly stand in the pools. I brought out the girls after breakfast and Elizabeth screamed in delight, splashed and sat down in the ice cold water. Not sure she is my child :) Anna and Kate were more reserved. They must take after me. After adding some buckets of hot water to the pools, all four kids screamed in delight, splashed and played in both pools. A favorite thing to do was to climb out of one pool and climb into the other. Repeat. Repeat about a hundred times. Anna and Kate were the first to tire of the pools and so we let the girls roam free outside for a little while. They absolutely LOVE to run in all directions outside without any gates. Around 11:00, we met the Frazier girls at the pool. We like that the splash puddle that is fenced in--the girls cannot escape! After eating lunch there, the girls went home for a quick snooze before we went to the Tin Caps game. OK, remember when I said the girls were getting easier and I wrote yesterday how excited I was about attending parties with the girls now that they are getting older. Well, let's not get too ahead of ourselves. Let's just say a Tin Caps game is a bit premature for the girls. I'm thinking we might have a year or two before we can attempt that again. The girls weren't bad, just EVERYWHERE. The game was so crowed and hot (mid 90s) and all they wanted to do was run in different directions and eat Cheerios off the ground (they were probably ones they dropped, but still). Thankfully, we had many extra hands to help.

Baby pools--pre-hot water
Anna having fun
The look of absolute delight in Elizabeth's face
Back and forth...
Warm water--thanks daddy!
Arlington pool
Lunch time
Kate is a nut over Doritos!
Tin Caps game
We pretty much sat on these benches right inside the entrance gate and allowed the girls to wander.
Kate is my biggest stinker these days!
Jack and Papa
Juice boxes for the girls. They will drink these up without stopping! Notice the knees of the three of them--all skinned up from all the running and falling outside.
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