Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

We had a nice Mother's Day. It was beautiful weather and we were able to spend the day with John's side of the family. Mike and Sarah came to visit us from Chicago and we all had dinner at Mimi and Papa's house in the afternoon/evening. I have such wonderful women in my life who are great mother's I can look up to! I am so blessed to be the mother of my children. God is good! Here are a few pictures from the day.

The girls and me on Mother's Day

My Jack and me on Mother's Day.

First time in pigtails for Elizabeth :)

Helping Kate put on her shoe

Anna with Aunt Susie

Walking with Kate

Anna loves to dance. Which consists of turning in circles until she is dizzy!



and more spinning...

Dizzy Anna!

Walking with Kate and Elizabeth. The older cousins help--Erin and Sarah

Aunt Mary and Anna

Aunt Susie with her triplets :)

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