Wednesday, May 18, 2011

OLGH End of the Year Musical

Tonight Jack has his end of the year musical. Since it started at 7 pm, we left the girls with granddad to go to bed. The church was packed! I got there about 30 minutes early and was lucky enough to squeeze in in the second row (I have friends in high places). Jack's class was centered in the church and Jack was in the center of the first row. Can't imagine him anywhere else but the center of attention! He sang with the rest of his classmates and at times, I could pick out his voice among the other children singing. He did all the hand gestures too. As I was watching him, I had to stop to remember that he was among children that are all a year older than him. Because we moved after school started, Jack was placed in a pre-K class (4 and 5 year-olds). All of his classmates are a year older than him and will go to kindergarten next year while Jack has another year of preschool. He certainly fit right in with the older kids. The younger classes (3 and 4 year-olds) were placed on each side of his class and I watched those kids stand there, not singing, mixing up the hand motions and a handful stood there and cried. Strange to think that these kids are the same age as Jack. I guess being placed alongside older children brings out the maturity in Jack.

Before the musical

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