Sunday, August 21, 2011

Birthday Trip to the Zoo, Part 1

I guess we are are getting our money's worth at the zoo this summer. We took the girls there on their birthday along with Grandmom, Granddad, Mimi and the Frazier girls. Since we had so many extra hands, this trip to the zoo was extraordinary for the girls being that they were able to run free! And ride the ponies, train and boat! Anna and Elizabeth screamed on the pony ride--Elizabeth louder than Anna, but Kate was just fine. Jack also loved the pony ride. It was perfect weather. We picnicked for lunch and had watermelon cupcakes. All-in-all, I think the girls had a great day.

(I have quite a few pictures since my mom was the designated photographer there!)


Elizabeth screamed during the entire ride. We only made her go around on the pony one lap.

Kate did fine on the pony

Anna whined during her pony ride.

Jack loved it!



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