Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Trip to Houston: Wednesday, August 3rd: George Bush Museum

On Wednesday we drove to College Station, TX to Texas A&M to visit the George Bush, Sr. Museum. The kids did OK at the museum, I think the girls were tired of being strapped in places, i.e. the car seat and stroller. The Museum was nice for John and I. Jack, I'm sure, preferred the Children's Museum. On the way home from the museum, John stopped at Cavendar's Boot City and bought a pair of cowboy boots--I guess he thinks he should have been a cowboy ;)

Wednesday night, Sarah baby-sat our kids while John and I went to a Houston Astro game. The Astros won! I think they have the worst record in baseball right now. John's dad got us great seats and it was a nice evening out for John and I.

I think this was the plane or type of plane that President George Bush was shot down in.

Jack in the Oval Office. We had to pay to take pictures in the Oval Office, so there are quite a few of them.

President Jack Scudder taking an important phone call.

President John Scudder :) 

Notice the girls' faces...not too happy in the Oval Office.
Camp David

Giant piece of the Berlin Wall.

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