Saturday, August 13, 2011

Second Birthday Party for Anna, Elizabeth and Kate!

We celebrated the girls' second birthday a week early along with two of their cousins--Jake and Claire. We did a fun summer watermelon theme and I have to admit, my mom and I got a little carried away with it--as usual :)

It was a lot of fun and the girls really seemed to enjoy their gifts, cake and especially ALL the attention. Can't believe they will be TWO in a week!

My mom made the cake

watermelon cookies

The work of my mom-- chocolate covered pound cake that look like slices of watermelon

My watermelon cheese ball

Petite watermelons--hollowed out limes with watermelon jello and little chocolate chips

Happy Birthday Claire!

I got a picture with the girls before all the chaos!






Mimi and Dad making Elizabeth laugh

Kate's favorite pastime--putting on shoes

Ready for cake!

Elizabeth loved when we sang to her

Singing to Kate

Singing to Anna

Elizabeth did not the icing on her hands


Anna loves Jack's Bellas

"Three little monkeys jumping on the couch..."

Tired Kate

Kate loved her shoes from her cousin Sarah

Jewelry from cousin Sarah

Someone called her Queen Elizabeth

Anna with her Strawberry Shortcake doll from Aunt Cindy
Pretty new dress from Great Aunt Mary and her party shoes from Mimi

Maria was hoping she could try on those pretty shoes

Uncle Neil and Alexa

Kate loved her Aunt Julie

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