Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Trip to Houston: Tuesday, August 2nd

Here are a few pictures of the girls playing with their cousin Marie. None of the days we were in Houston did the girls take a nap. There might have been a time one or two of them fell asleep in the car for a few minutes on the way home from on of our activities, but we were not home to put them down for a nap in the afternoons for the most part, so no naps. But they did extremely well considering they still take 2-3 hour naps everyday at home. We would put them to bed early and they slept in longer in the morning.

Marie, Kate and Anna

The girls wanted to put on Marie's shoes the entire time we were there! They would come to us with a shoe and sit down. All three of them have blisters under their ankles because Marie wears a bigger shoe and they rubbed their feet raw.

All the girls would slide this spinner next to the piano and take a seat to play. It was funny to see. One of Marie's bins of shoes is behind Elizabeth.

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