Sunday, August 21, 2011

My Babies are TWO!

Seriously, I can't believe they are two. Two seems much more toddler-like than baby. But they are still my babies.

In the last year, the girls have gone from crawling, cruising, bottle-fed, bald babies to little walking, talking, RUNNING, jumping, spoon-and-fork-using little people. When I think about this last year, they have changed so much. I can put little pig-tails in their hair--well, except for Kate--but she can at least have a bow. They are wearing 12 month summer clothes, size 4 shoes, except Anna is size 4.5 shoe. They love dolls, pushing the strollers around, playing with Jack, emptying out all my kitchen towels--heck emptying out any of my kitchen cabinets, playing outside with chalk, ride-on toys, Cozy-Coupes, chasing each other, playing with phones, putting on every pair of shoes within their grasp, brushing their teeth and climbing, climbing climbing!

Kate is my slowest talker, but has picked up her vocabulary in the last few weeks. Her latest word, "of-vie" is the cutest little sound coming from her mouth. It sums up her too, she is most attached to her lovie and pacifier. She likes to stir the pot with her sisters and will do things to get attention--like take toys she doesn't really want from them...and then laugh at me. She will specifically will let us know when she is doing something she shouldn't, i.e. standing on the table. We call Kate the moocher, because she is not shy around strangers and will go to anyone, especially if they have food. She is the strongest, fastest and has more muscle than I ever did!

Elizabeth has the biggest vocabulary and will try to repeat everything you tell her too--sometimes it sounds great and other times not, but she gets an A+ for effort. Her effort in everything has shown through since the day she was born. She never let anything get in the way--we joked that no one told her she was a 33 week preemie weighing 3 lbs. when she was in the NICU. She thought she was a full-term baby. Always the smallest, she has always kept right up with her sisters in all her milestones. Elizabeth is my peacemaker. She doesn't fight back when the the other two take her toys. She is always looking out for her sisters, bringing them their lovies, sippie cups and throwing away their diapers. She is my pickiest and slowest eater. She is also my most sensitive baby--with everything, including, strangers, sounds, new places and even down to her skin. She always seems to have a diaper rash!

Anna is the boss. She deems all toys hers no matter who has them first. She is no stranger to take a toy from her sisters and then "yell" at them when they try to take it back. Her new word, "No, No" is not one we tried to teach her per-say, but she learned it anyway. We have seen her push some and bite on occasion. She is the queen of dirty looks! She has a vocabulary somewhere in the middle of the other two. Her newest word, "Pease" is my favorite. I make her say it at least two times before I give her what she wants just so I can hear her little voice. Anna loves baby dolls. Today, I saw here swinging one of them around in a circle, then hugging it--it was so cute.

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