Thursday, August 4, 2011

Trip to Houston: Thursday, August 4th: Sprinkler & Good-Bye!

Thursday afternoon, we let the kids run through the sprinkler and play outside a little. It was smoking hot this week--at one point we saw 107 degrees-- so we were not outside much. It was fun to get wet and Jack was a big help watering Sarah's garden and flowers.

We had a great week with the Wakefields! Thanks for having us! Can't wait until next time and believe me, Jack won't forget that Children's museum any time soon!

Anna, my girl that is terribly afraid of walking in the sand was all about playing in it!

Anna and the sand. She would transport it from the box to the table...back and forth...back and forth.

Two of mine are naked, I know. They are in a stage where they take off their diapers the first chance they get. But, I thought the picture was cute of the four girls so I included it.
Slumber party.

I included this picture because all the girls were jumping the entire time we had them in the crib. Notice the blur.

"Lay down now girls."

Jack climbed into Elizabeth's pack-n-play.

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