Friday, June 22, 2012

Druelle Visit

The Druelles came for a visit and to help with a garage sale. It was busy on Wednesday night. Granddad played with the kids outside in the sprinkler. Thursday, Granddad took the older kids to the pool. Thankfully he was there to help watch the kids! I think they had fun! Friday, I took the kids to the splash pad during Jack's swim lesson while Julie stayed back at the garage sale.

I included quite a few pictures of the splash pad. The looks on the girls' faces...pure joy. I couldn't leave them off of here. Ahh, to be a kid again in the summer! I also included a few pictures of Jack's lesson. He is improving!

The little girls having a blast running and dancing! Alexa and Elizabeth were laughing so hard their eyes were closed!

Braden is pointing where to go to Kate

Abby and Kate

Jack is in the gray swim shirt

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