Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Two Down, Two to Go!

I have mentioned Jack has recently stopped wetting the bed. On Saturday night, I tried all the girls in underwear since Anna is dry 99% of the time and Kate is mostly dry. Elizabeth wets pretty much every night, but I thought, why not give it a try with her too? All three stayed dry. On Sunday night, I wasn't so lucky and only Anna was dry. Since then, Anna has stayed dry and Kate, even though I put her back in a pull-up has been dry too. I am down to NO diapers and only two kids in pull-ups at night (and I think Kate is close to being done with them).

Having said that, this morning John found the girls with wet hair and a potty seat (we keep on in the girls' room) with splashes everywhere. We think they decided to "play" in their potty. Always something to keep us on our toes. One step forward, half step back!

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