Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Twins Club Ice Cream Social

My Twins Club had an ice cream social today. It is weird to see so many sets of twins and triplets in one place! We started talking to a guy there with his little girl. He was wondering why there were so many twins and triplets at the park until we told him it was a twins club outing. He said that explains the matching outfits! I met a few new sets of triplets...one family that had the mirror image of ours: 4 year old girl and three year old triplet boys. We joked there were enough of her boys for my girls to marry some day. I also saw another set of triplets:. They were 11 months old sitting in a triple stroller. The mom sat down, pulled out some baby food and began to feed them, one after another in a row with the same spoon. Brought back many memories. I had to tell her I remembered doing the same thing...was it really two years ago? She had two girls and a boy.

I didn't take too many pictures, but the kids had a blast playing and also eating ice cream!

She is as quick as this picture looks like she is!

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