Monday, June 11, 2012

Frazier's visit

We had a great time with them...Hudson for lunch, then to Aurora to see Aunt Susie's old house and school where she taught and then we went to Chagrin Falls. The girls loved the "big wa-wa." On the way home we stopped at Huntington Beach and got ice cream. They kids played in the sand (all except Elizabeth who would not take off her shoes and kept saying "dirty.") She and Anna screamed last summer in the sand, so it was no surprise that one of them was still a bit concerned with the beach. They also all waded in the lake. Once we got back, we had the kids run through the sprinkler and had some dinner before calling it a day. It was fun to see them. Any and Jack are inseparable. They are always so helpful!

Chagrin Falls



This is my Kate...AKA the shoe girl!

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